As a result of the current pandemic, Dr. Fischer is available for his patients on Facetime.
Please call him at (202) 686-0114 or (202) 236-1184 to schedule an appointment.
Thank you
The Columbia Center for Occupational and Forensic Psychiatry specializes in performing Independent Psychiatric Evaluations (IME) and Fitness For Duty Evaluations (FFDE) for clients requiring IME’s and FFDE’s Evaluations. We can schedule an evaluation within 2 days of the referral and generate a report for the client within 1 week after the evaluation.
We serve a wide variety of clients who present with a range of psychiatric and forensic needs. We assist individuals and institutions, organizations and businesses, plaintiffs and defendants, attorneys, federal agencies, and the courts in the evaluation of claims for psychiatric damages, posttraumatic stress disorder, worker’s compensation, disability and fitness for duty. In addition to evaluations we also provides treatment to patients with the above issues.
We welcome inquiries from insurance companies, employers, government agencies and attorneys.
“Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” – Confucius