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A mother got reunited with her 17-year-old daughter who was missing from her home from four days in Texas. She left by leaving  a “goodbye” note on he mother’s pillow saying she would be gone for a “long time”. The girl named Geneva Hodge disappeared from her home which is situated in Bellville on Wednesday morning and after four hour her mother, Frances Schrader discovered a note on her bed.

In that note Geneva was saying, “‘This will be the last time that you’ll hear from me for a very long time and it says I love you mom, I’ll always be your little girl.” The mother got worried thinking that her feared daughter may be in imminent danger was persuaded or coached while writing this note. “Everybody’s read this letter and they’re like, that’s not Geneva. That’s just not her,” she said.

Geneva’s mother also said that she has not taken her cellphone, no clothes and did not used her debit card while missing. Her mother was worried as she thought she must be human trafficked after she was spotted with an older man with whom she was having a romantic relationship.

Fortunately, a stranger called on her mother’s number from missing poster to say they had found her daughter 60 miles away from her home. Then the mother drove to the place and get her back. “She’s doing good. She slept for a while today,” the teen’s mother told.

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