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Poppy Harlow, the CNN anchor declared to resign from the network. She has worked for nearly two decades for CNN network. She declared it by writing an email to colleagues saying, “The nearly two decades since have been a gift”. She also said that, “I have been inspired by you and learned so much from you – who are (and will remain) dear friends.”

She added that she has grown up here as a journalist and also as a person. She also said that, “I was allowed to stumble, to falter, and then to try again with the support and care of this CNN family. This place has shaped me as a leader, taught me resilience, shown me the value of perspective and how to make hard decisions.”

Harlow was praised by CNN’s chief executive, Mark Thompson as a unique talent who gives a human touch to formidable reporting and interviewing process to which audience have responded in a positive manner.

Thompson added, “She’s been a wonderful colleague at CNN, and we know she will have much success in her future endeavors”. She has been also praised by Amy Entelis who is the executive vice president of CNN by saying, “she leaves CNN after more than 16 memorable years, thousands of hours in the anchor chair and hundreds of reports from the field.”

Harlow has been working in CNN since 2008 and worked as a variety of roles at the network. She has reported world’s biggest and most consequential news stories, that includes 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and 2.15 Paris terror attacks. She belongs to the background in business journalism and hosted many podcasts including the Boss Files. She did regular notable interviews of big faces including Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates, Susan Wojcicki, Jamie Dimon and others.

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