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Russia got Vladimir Putin as it’s President for a new six-year term for the fifth consecutive time. The ceremony in which he was declared President again, was boycotted by the United States and other Western Countries due to war of Russia in Ukraine.

Steven Seagal of Russian ancestry and citizenship, an actor always supported Putin and was present in this inauguration ceremony.

Putin is enjoying powers as president or prime minister of Russia since 1999. He sent ten of thousands of troops to Ukraine because at that place, Russian forces has regained the initiative after many changes and now they are planning to move further towards east.

In the ceremony in which Putin declared as President for the fifth presidential term of Tuesday at the Grand Kremlin Palace, Putin said that Russia would face many difficulties but would emerge out victorious. He also said that, “We are a united and great nation, and together we will overcome all obstacles, realise everything we have planned, and together, we will win”.

At the age of 71, Putin emerge out be a dominant on the domestic political landscape. He was also accused of using Ukraine as a weapon to defeat and dismember Russia by Western Countries on the international stage.

He got a victory in March by controlling election from which two opponents were barred from the election on technical grounds. His most known opponent was Alexey Navalny who died suddenly in an Arctic penal colony and other critics of Putin were either put in jail or forced to leave the country.

On this inauguration ceremony, Ukraine said, “the illusion of legality for the nearly lifelong stay in power of a person who has turned the Russian Federation into an aggressor state and the ruling regime into a dictatorship”.

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